
Parting is such sweet sorrow... 2/10/10

       Just a small part of our family we got to see!

                                                                                                                                                            Bethany Baptist Youth Group

I have to say as sad as it is to leave behind our family and friends and return to Belize, we are happy to be back and “digging in” the ministry. We have been back in Belize now a little over a week. I must say, "It has been a week!"

Two days after returning we woke up at 2:00 am with soaking wet floors. The water pipe that comes in from the outside had burst, shooting water through our bathroom! The very next day there was a small leak under the kitchen sink. Thank the Lord for plumbers! The next morning we headed out to the streets to begin our street ministry with the twins (Michael and Lynsford). We had made it halfway through our normal route when we ran into Raymond. (Raymond is a friend we made when we purchased our car from him.) We hadn’t seen him in a while, so we stopped to say hello. The next thing you know the police are telling all of our friends to come to the wall to be searched, and for us to move on. (Perhaps because of the needless violence here in the city the police are trying to make statements in front of large crowds.) I was shocked, angry, and hurt. These are some of the most precious Christian people I know! It is sad to see things like this happen to good people while the gang members go untouched.

By now you may be thinking, what a horrible week! Well, I must go on. After the police stopped us and showed their muscle, we headed to see our friends near the canal. We always visit a group of men (normally 5-6 of them) who wash cars at the canal behind the courthouse. They were SO EXCITED to see us! We hadn’t even been there a minute and they were all asking for prayer! It was amazing! When the prayer was over, they said how they felt a difference already. The devil tried to come discourage us and steal our joy, but the Lord pushed through the darkness.

Saturday we were asked to assist and speak at Bethany Baptist Church here in the city. They were “kicking off” their youth program. (They have not had a functioning program in quite some time.) Heath spoke to the youth, we sang songs, and played games. But there was one moment that night that truly broke my heart. We were asking the kids what they wanted to get out of attending youth group. One kid responded, “I want a safe place to come to get away from all the killings.” What a shame that he has to even worry about things like that. Although his words hurt my heart, the night was still a great success. There were around 19 people in attendance. (Not bad for starting over!) Note: (This is the same day we noticed our flat as a board tire.)

Since I have been writing you this blog, the ceiling in our living room has started to leak. While it maybe raining in now in Belize, the Son is shining. We are called to be more than conquerors, and that is exactly what we will do… Conquer. I realize this is just another obstacle trying to keep us from what He would have us achieve this week. Maybe He just wants us to witness to the plumber? Regardless, we will overcome!

We are excited to be back and thankful we had some time to spend with most of you. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support. Thank you for coming to churches and listening to us talk about Belize; and thank you, churches, for letting us speak! You guys are missed and loved more than you know. Please continue to pray for us and Belize.

I also have a personal prayer request. If you could please pray for Chase Rogers, he is my cousin’s three -year old son with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He has been struggling for his life in ICU. Please pray for his family also.

“When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalms 61:2

                                                             I love you all so much- Amanda

"Oh the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The LORD rescues them when they are in trouble. The LORD protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The LORD nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health."

Psalm 41: 1-3

OUR MISSION: To serve among the poor, bring a message of hope, and reach a nation of struggling youth for Christ and incorporate them into the life of the local church.