Our very first "Belize Youth Net" |
The south-side park before... |
And they painted themselves...lol! |
I should apologize for the amount of time since our last blog, but the truth is, there just hasn't been time to write it! We left Belize around the beginning of June to come home to the US for a visit and speaking engagements and when we came back we had to “dig right in” to the ministry!
It was so great to see all of our family and friends! We appreciate the love we receive from all of you which includes your time, encouragement, hospitality and support. We never feel like we have enough time to see you all. Please know that even if we don't get to see you or spend quality time with you, that you are still loved and in our hearts and prayers!
As soon as we returned, we had our first "Belize Youth Net Meeting" (BYNM). This is a great outreach to churches with or without youth programs that want to begin a program or enhance the one they have. It is also a great time of fellowship among youth leaders across Belize from different churches. At each "BYNM" there are opportunities to discuss/resolve issues that they may have or may be having with their current youth group. It is also a great place for youth leaders to come and get their hands on FREE YOUTH RESOURCES!!! That's right, HABIT supporters...thanks to you these leaders are getting ideas and training materials to keep their young people interested in the word of God! And THAT is what we are here for!
Heath is now a year older! The day before his birthday, we had a return visit from Gulf Breeze UMC from Gulf Breeze, Florida. We all got to sing "Happy Birthday” together at a local restaurant. The group of 14 spent the week doing VBS, street ministry, re-vamping a local park, holding a youth- led service and cookout, and participating in a HABIT youth rally. At the end of the week they got to see the “softer” side of Belize by visiting San Pedro and snorkeling in the reef. I am amazed at the talents of their youth group, and cannot explain just how grateful I am for all the resource materials they brought! The youth rally was amazing, I must say. When you have that much talent gathered in one area ready to praise the Lord, how can it not be?? I would have to guesstimate there was a little more than 300 in attendance. The fact that I didn't get into bed until some time after 1am was well worth the sacrifice. I also cannot say thank you enough to our HABIT volunteers for their work to make the event such a success.
One of the most amazing things to me is just how many people find out about "HABIT Missions" via our website. We have had at least three different groups of people come here and meet us, and one of those visitors is here right now! So that is how this blog received it's name."Come on down!" It is also to encourage you to come and see just what it is we do...and just what your contributions accomplish.There are so many different ways to minister here. I could go on and on.
Now last and most definitely not least the dog update...
So many of you heard about our adopted dog, Jasmine, (well,she adopted us), becoming ill and near death while we were in the USA. She has now fully recovered and gone back to her joyous ways. While I will always question the treatment from the kennel/vet tech we left her with, I have to let it go (or teach my dog to sick)! Anyway, to say the least, she has always acted happy and healthy here with us and I must consider it a lesson learned. Thanks again for all our your concern and prayers!
Of course I have to say “thank you” to you all one last time before I am finished. I cannot fully express the gratitude in my heart for each and every one of you. You make the work God put in our heart a reality; it’s the gift that keeps on giving. You are loved and I hope you are all blessed beyond measure! I want to leave you with this scripture and may it bless you:
Philippians 1: 9-11 “ And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ- to the glory and praise of God.”
God bless you all! I truly love you so much,
The most recent youth rally at BTL park |