
Standing Firm

                                                     Youth Rally that was held in San Pedro

                                                          Our "newly remodeled" car

                                                 Our newest family member "Jasmine"

                                               Just "part" of the ceiling that caved in

Ahhh, where do I begin??? I guess I will start where we ended. We had a lot of good and bad this month. I will start with the good.

We had a truly amazing youth rally in San Pedro. The outreach to the community was incredible! We had between 150-175 people in attendance. I have to say, by far, this was my favorite rally (not just because it took place on the island)! It is because the way our team of rally volunteers performed and worked so well with each other. The Holy Spirit just soared! I can’t thank them enough for their commitment to the mission. Some of our volunteers had never been to San Pedro. It was a real treat for them to escape the city and see a different side of Belize.

We also had a movie night at the Embassy Missions Hotel. The hotel is run by our new found friends John and Judy Collier. They have a huge projection screen and a great Bose system and a wonderful place to watch movies. We had 100 in attendance and enjoyed watching “Facing the Giants.” John and Judy have a great heart for the youth of Belize and a great facility to hold gatherings. We were blessed to help them get the word out and in getting people to attend. Several youth made decisions to accept Christ!

I also want to tell you about the newest member of our family, “Jasmine”. (It is a very long story to tell so I will just fill you in on the importants). She was a stray that was at our apartment when we moved in. She was taken in by someone who treated her badly, and almost killed her. For those of you who know me… you know how much I LOVE animals, but I really didn’t want/need a dog’s inconveniences. We felt responsible for her though, and just couldn’t let her risk death. Heath is crazy about her too! I have never seen him act this way about a dog ever! It makes me love him even more. She is now spayed, vaccinated, and putting on weight. She has a wonderful spirit too!

Sadly after returning to the city, Heath and I were in a car accident. While turning into the civic center (where our next youth rally will be held) a car came from behind us and smashed into Heath’s (driver side) door. We took a pretty bad hit. Thankfully the door stopped just short of crushing Heath’s leg. Heath had to go to the hospital and was treated for second degree whiplash. We didn’t have any broken bones, just a long week of recuperating from soreness and bruising. While the other driver was clearly at fault to everyone else, the police are not in agreement. They expected/wanted us to give them bribe money. Please pray this issue is resolved quickly and appropriately.

I am delighted to say that the very same week; we were overjoyed to have our very first family members come to Belize! It was wonderful (and just what we needed)! Al and Bonnie (my in-laws) came down from North Carolina and spent a week with us. While they were here they joined us in our weekly street ministry, and got to see first-hand the need in Belize. We spent the end of the week in San Pedro spending some quality time together (not forgetting to watch the NCAA games… GO DUKE…lol). Then we returned to the city and said our goodbyes.

Upon entering our apartment from our time away, I discovered that pretty much the ENTIRE ceiling in our kitchen/dining area had fallen in! Sheet rock and water were everywhere! What a mess! Apparently we have a plumbing issue with the toilet upstairs and that created the problem. It is currently being fixed.

So once again, it is a blog with filled with highs and lows, but that is life. It makes me think, “What are you made of “? It is so easy to get frustrated and want to roll up our mats, go home, and enjoy the simpler life. That is when the devil thinks he has us defeated. God never said life would be easy. He only promises to be there through the hard times. He is here. He shows us what we are made of and just what we can accomplish through His strength (not our own). So at the risk of sounding cheesy… God made me “Ford Tough” I will not be shaken or moved. I will not flee when times are hard or difficult. He has set a plan before me, and the job is not finished. Like Psalms 16:8-9 says, “I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices: my body also will rest secure,” God has done mighty things here in Belize, but the work is not complete yet. Please continue to pray for us and Belize. I truly love you all so much!

Blessings- Amanda

PS: Thanks for all you prayers for Chase. He has improved greatly, and continues to get stronger daily. 
       Please continue to remember him in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda & Heath,
    Sending you prayers and hugs for health, restoration, and strength for all you have faced. You inspire us every day and we are amazed at all you can do in the Lord's strength! I am so thankful for the great turnout at the rally and will continue to pray for the youth who are there, both those who have made professions and those on the fringe. I pray you are encouraged in God's Word and find new strength for the continual challenges you face. Your smiles and love poured out reveal your strength and trust in the Lord. We are thankful for your witness and your concern for the people of the Lord. I think of you often and pray for you often as well. May the Lord be with you and may you feel His presence as you walk and talk with others. Blessings and prayers, Cheryl Nehnevajsa


"Oh the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The LORD rescues them when they are in trouble. The LORD protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The LORD nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health."

Psalm 41: 1-3

OUR MISSION: To serve among the poor, bring a message of hope, and reach a nation of struggling youth for Christ and incorporate them into the life of the local church.