
Our Journey Begins

June 16, 2009

Thank you so much for all your support and prayers over the past month as Amanda and I have been house hopping to spend time with family and visiting churches, groups, and organizations to share about this much needed ministry in Belize. It has felt quite different with many of our belongings being sold, given away, or in storage, adjusting to living without our pets, and no real place to call home. We thought this time would be relaxing, but it has actually been taxing as we make presentations, network, and yet look for more opportunity. It has been good to see old friends and spend time with family, as we haven’t had much opportunity to do so the past three and half years! This time has been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster, however we remain focused on our call to Belize and our mission there. Now the wait is over. We fly out Saturday morning the 20th for Belize City, Belize. We will be setting up house and getting acclimated for the first two weeks with the help of our dear Belizean friends. We just signed a lease on an apartment on the third floor above an oriental store in downtown Belize City with steel bars on the windows and Chinese steel doors with garage door latches. We will be in the perfect place for street ministry, but will have to be careful or inside at night as crime in the city has been on the rise. We are excited to see our friends in Belize, meet our new contacts, and set up house. I guess you could say we are excited, moved, inspired, heart broken, anxious, nervous, and blessed. Our journey has begun and we invite you to be with us through this blog, facebook, and e-mails. You are in our hearts and prayers!

Heath & Amanda

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"Oh the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The LORD rescues them when they are in trouble. The LORD protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The LORD nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health."

Psalm 41: 1-3

OUR MISSION: To serve among the poor, bring a message of hope, and reach a nation of struggling youth for Christ and incorporate them into the life of the local church.