
What a Week! Gulf Breeze Youth Visit

July 30, 2009

What a week!!! I am truly in awe of God and his purpose and plans for our lives! This week has been filled with so many different activities and emotions. We had to say hello and farewell to Gulf Breeze UMC this week. The time we got to spend with them has truly been a blessing and something I will never forget.
The week started off with some anticipation as we awaited their arrival, as they had to travel through Guatemala to arrive here in Belize City. Day One was filled with a lot of work, but the troops were all game. Some of the group prepared for the week’s VBS at Cavalry Chapel while the others worked at the Salvation Army doing work projects followed by lunch, and then off to VBS! The following days were pretty much the same, but instead of spending more time doing VBS, the street ministry began! I watched as the group handed out food and I was thrilled to see them laying hands on people and praying with them as they felt led. Our friend Vinoid (God Bless Him) even had the whole team over for lunch in his home overlooking the Canal. Twenty-two of us sat and ate as he treated us like family and royalty. Please pray for Vinoid’s health and his family and for safe travel. He will be visiting his homeland (India) for the next three months.
I watched God use his people in ways they had never been used before. He gave courage to some to speak. To others He gave eyes to see what I feel we tend to overlook. People are hurting in so many ways; physically, spiritually and emotionally. The world is full of people who need to be reached. God may not be calling you to be a missionary in Belize. He may be calling you to minister to the man or woman on your block.
I was so excited to hear that my sister took my niece and nephew to work at a food shelter this week. They are young, but what a great age to make them aware of how of other people struggle. Most us live paycheck to paycheck, and it could be us, our Aunt’s or Uncle’s, brothers or sisters or even our parents who are in need. Sure there are some people who will take advantage, but who are we to judge?
I encourage each and every one of you to get involved in some form of giving. It could be donating or as simple as kind word or gesture. It’s up to you. But “faith without works is a dead” (James 2:20). I am sad to see the group from Gulf Breeze leave, but I rejoice in the growth and awareness it brought.

To God be the glory! God bless you all I love you so much!



The Street Ministry Begins

July 18, 2009

Throughout my life I have seen God’s faithfulness. His word is true; if we abide with him, then he will abide in us. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring (especially on this new adventure). I just know I’m going with God! We need to realize that he is the same God who turned water into wine and made the blind to see. I rest in His faithfulness and rejoice in the hope it brings. What I wanted to bring to Belize was hope. If you haven’t any hope in your life, what joy can there be? Yet, every day I see the faces of people who have just seemed to have given up. Our desire is to teach them, yes give up but give it up to God. I would like to ask for your prayer for some of the individuals we met today. Fran, Russell, George and Raymond are all people we talked to today while giving out PB&Js and bananas. Raymond was so hungry he asked for an extra sandwich. I handed him another one (because it really isn’t that much) but, by the time we were done talking, he pleaded for a third. I explained to him how we had to conserve them to make sure other people had some; but then I just broke down. How do you say no to a person if you don’t know when their last meal was or when the next meal will come? People are starving everywhere. Sometimes they may not be hungry for food. It may be they are starving for someone just to listen. We never know what someone else is going through, or what their day to day lives are like. We would be wise to remember that while we may think we have it bad, God’s promises are true. If we believe in Jesus, there is always bright hope for tomorrow. God Bless you all. I love you guys so much!

By the way… we do plan to blog more often. This first month has been a little chaotic! Also, please be in prayer for a youth group from Gulf Breeze United Methodist. They will be arriving July 21 to work alongside us in ministry for eight days. Please pray for safe travel and their safety while they are here.



We're Finally Here!!!

July 1, 2009

Homeless- A common scene in Belize
We are finally in Belize! I am so thankful for all of the prayers we received for a safe flight. We got here safely and with our luggage. Continue praying daily as we seek to do God’s will in this ministry. I am so happy that we can now inform you about how things are going. We now have internet in our apartment and are quickly learning the ropes and the dos and don’ts of the city. Our biggest obstacle (or, at least for me) is the noise of a city. It’s definitely not the quiet five acres of peace we had in Florida; but, if that’s the biggest problem I have… I figure life is good.
I have always been a simple person. I’ve never been a big fan of hairspray, or taken an hour to get ready for something (not even on my wedding day)! I have no doubt this is my calling. I still may catch myself complaining about being hot or having no box springs, or am about to eat a food item that I can’t read the ingredients. It’s that same moment I think about KC, the security guard across the street. He told me recently, how he spent his childhood eating out of other’s trash. I‘m sure, it is safe to say, he probably didn’t have a mattress then, and he probably doesn’t have one now. I’m not writing this to make you feel badly for him or me. I’m writing this to remind us all of the small and big blessings in our lives. A couple of weeks ago my big challenge was to figure out what to bring to Belize in only two suitcases. I knew our apartment had a refrigerator and air conditioning in only one room. I wanted to bring as much as I possibly could. I managed to bring three pots and some sheets when we came in April. I brought T-shirts, shoes, shorts, church clothes, hats, shampoo, CD’s, etc.(can you believe I made it under the weight limit with my bags?). I unpacked after arriving here and, I was grateful for it all, but soon realized that half of it was just unnecessary. My Bible, a few clothes and a good toothbrush were all I needed. Things are nice to have; but, If we make them more important than our Father, our relationships, our time and our talents, we are selling ourselves short. I regret all the time and money I’ve wasted on things I thought I needed. In a way, it’s actually nice to get back to the basics. It makes me realize what is important. God Bless You All! I love you so much.


"Oh the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The LORD rescues them when they are in trouble. The LORD protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The LORD nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health."

Psalm 41: 1-3

OUR MISSION: To serve among the poor, bring a message of hope, and reach a nation of struggling youth for Christ and incorporate them into the life of the local church.