July 18, 2009
Throughout my life I have seen God’s faithfulness. His word is true; if we abide with him, then he will abide in us. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring (especially on this new adventure).
I just know I’m going with God! We need to realize that he is the same God who turned water into wine and made the blind to see. I rest in His faithfulness and rejoice in the hope it brings. What I wanted to bring to
Belize was hope. If you haven’t any hope in your life, what joy can there be? Yet, every day I see the faces of people who have just seemed to have given up. Our desire is to teach them, yes give up but give it up to God. I would like to ask for your prayer for some of the individuals we met today. Fran, Russell, George and Raymond are all people we talked to today while giving out PB&Js and bananas. Raymond was so hungry he asked for an extra sandwich. I handed him another one (because it really isn’t that much) but, by the time we were done talking, he pleaded for a third. I explained to him how we had to conserve them to make sure other people had some; but then I just broke down. How do you say no to a person if you don’t know when their last meal was or when the next meal will come? People are starving everywhere. Sometimes they may not be hungry for food.
It may be they are starving for someone just to listen. We never know what someone else is going through, or what their day to day lives are like. We would be wise to remember that while we may think we have it bad, God’s promises are true. If we believe in Jesus, there is always bright hope for tomorrow. God Bless you all. I love you guys so much!
By the way… we do plan to blog more often. This first month has been a little chaotic! Also, please be in prayer for a youth group from Gulf Breeze United Methodist. They will be arriving July 21 to work alongside us in ministry for eight days. Please pray for safe travel and their safety while they are here.
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