Some of the homeless we minister to weekly
A combo of some Belizean and American money
Heath and his nephew Noah spending some quality time
Things have for the most part gotten back to normal here (as normal as it can be with Heath and me, that is!) Our ceiling has been fixed, our bodies restored, but still no resolution for the car accident. We are continuing with our outreach programs, planning for upcoming rallies, and mission teams for the near future
We have been a little sad because "our twins" who help with our street ministry moved to San Pedro to take jobs for a while. We thought it would be different just being ”us” again. Funny how God does things...it has not been just “us” since! We have been blessed to have at least three others with us every time. The group of people who want to join in spreading the gospel seems to grow every week. It is truly a blessing to all who are involved.
So you may be wondering why I titled this blog, "What makes you rich?" I kept hearing that over and over in my head for days. Finally, I decided I had to write it down. If you have read our earlier blogs there is one about judgments and forgiveness of past sins. One of the people I have seen most affected by his past is one reason I write this blog. We will call him "Charles.” I think the reason people have such a problem with gossiping about "Charles" is because they thought he had it all. He (and others) have told me about the lavish house, multiple cars, and boats he used to have. Oh, and did I mention how beautiful they say his wife was? I imagine she was quite gorgeous. He lost it all for the love of a "white lady in a silver dress" (also knows as cocaine). Yet everyone said, "He was so rich!" They are blown away with the fact it has all been squandered away. He now lives on the streets. The dictionary defines the word "rich" as having wealth and great position, and abundant supplies of resources, means." I don't know what amount of money you would need to have in the bank for you to feel "rich." I realize that number is different for each one of us. Please don't misconstrue my next comment, as I firmly believe in saving and planning for your future! MONEY DOES NOT MAKE YOU RICH! Money can do great things, but it is by no means everything! Look at Hollywood for example. The "rich and famous" are everywhere. They are normally checking in or out of rehab, jail or court. That kind of lifestyle is not what I desire. Most of the reasons Belize has so much violence and bloodshed is that people want to get rich quick. I am so tired of seeing the headlines of another killing with a 15- year who pulled the trigger. What a waste! We (Americans) set the trend for what is valued. A lot of the things that people do here is because they want to mimic the US. We hold the bar, and I see it slipping. We as Christians have a lot of work to do. We have a world that is focused on the seen and not the unseen! I am rich not because of what is in my bank account. I am rich because I have a wonderful, adoring husband, a loving ,supporting family, and a God who never will let me go. I am rich because of friends who pray and make me laugh and cut up with me. But above all of this I am rich because I am choosing not to take any of it for granted, (as I admit I can be guilty of doing.) Save your money, by all means...just please remember to save your marriage, friendships, and love on your children first. Then you will find just how rich you really are. I leave you with this scripture and pray that you are all rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” God bless you all! I love you so much,
Amanda and Heath,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your blog so much as it warms our hearts and brings you close as we continue to pray and consider your work in Belize. We are so thankful for your witness and study of God's Word. It is easy to see in your words that He is working in and through you in all you see and do there. I am so glad you have been able to get your ceiling and such repaired. I'm not sure how I would do getting such things attended to in another country. You are meeting the challenges well and with great faith. We applaud your courage and dedication to the Lord. I know you must see great evidence of the Lord as you fully rely on Him. May He continue to greatly bless and keep you all of your days and nights, and encourage the Word of God to become known among the people you meet as they see the love He has put in your heart. Blessings and love, Cheryl and Pete